Cosmetics and Skincare Products
Small town soaps and crafts business with a big heart.
I am a proud owner of a small business but more importantly I am a mom to two. Through my years of parenting I have learned the skill of flexibility and have brought it into my business. Whether making soaps, sugar scrubs, or lip balms I give my heart into my project. I knew early in my business that I wanted to give back to my community and as a person who has first hand experience with mental health needs, I wanted to find other people who could use a little something that could help them feel good about themselves and give some much deserved self-care. In the past few years I have proudly been able to donate over 500 bars of soap. My goal is to continue to grow and to hopefully be able to help more people. To me it’s more than soap, it’s a chance to take a few moments to yourself and Simply Starting Fresh because we all deserve that chance. Wash away the stresses as much as possible and just start again fresh.