Southwire Company



About Us

Manufacturing Plants

Rep/Contact Info

  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Kathleen Edge
Norman Adkins
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Ashley Almon
John Austin
CO Contact for Inperson EssCerts
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Mandy Baeumel
Julie Bartholomew
Billing Team
  • Phone: (770) 832-4283
John Borsh
Site Leader for Retail East Customer Service
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Ashley Bush
Rebecca Cranford
Ashley Dingler
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Margo Garner
Cara Herzog
Colby Jenkins
Accounts Payable
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Cayla Lee
Jackie Lowery
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Wendy Lucio
Jeremiah Marsh
Chuck McClendon
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Matt Miles
VP of Distribution & Transportation
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Nick Mitchell
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Jason Pollard
Paul Sims
Sharita Spruill
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Debby Stewart
Asst. to Mr. Stinson
Rich Stinson
Fisher Strickland
  • Phone: (770) 832-4577
Zach Taylor
Plant Manager N. Campus
Turner Thomason
Phil Tuggle
Kristian Whittington